There are a lot of reasons why to work out like; reducing body-fat, gaining muscle mass, fighting (mental) diseases, being stronger, being healthier or being more energised throughout the day. Contradictory isn’t it? doing exercises which requires some effort for actually gaining more energy, but it is true according to the University of Georgia study, people can increase their energy levels with 20% and decrease their fatigue level with 60% by doing regular exercise.

Here are three ways why exercising can help to boost your energy level

1. During times when the body is under pressure the heart is working at a much faster pace than in rest mode. This leads to conditioning the heart to the amount of pressure, being used to the pressure overtime. Thus it trains the hart to work more efficiently, this led to more oxygen to the vital organs like the heart and the brains and even strengthen the most important muscle Want to monitor your heart rate with the best heart rate watch? click here

2. 8 hours sleep isn’t effective if an individual has many waking moments during night time. Due to training the body can get into a more relaxed state after workout to acquire a better quality of sleep, feeling less exhausted in comparing without exercise.

3. Why do people having fun with exercise? Is it because of mental breakthroughs? Is it because of a social aspect, training with people who are having the same mindset? Or should we look at it with a biological perspective, because everyone has got their own motivations. After training the body releases endorphins which is a 1 of the 4 “happiness” ingrediënt, these chemical reduces the perception of pain. Which allow you to feel more energized for the day Boost up your “happiness” with these foods

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